U.S. Merchandise Trade Information
Detailed Information on the U.S. Export and Import
by HS code (2-, 4-, 6-,  and 10-digit)
by Customs District
by Country

Current data: June 2009

###  T E S T I N G   S I T E   &   U N D E R    C O N S T R U C T I O N ###

Customs District Reports, by Country or by Commodity (HS4): Year-to-date reports on top 10 commodity groups (HS4 digit level), top 10 countries, and year-over-year changes for each customs district including the United States as a whole (year-to-date)


Report Types:

1.      Total Amount (5-year history)

2.      Top 10 Countries ($ Value)

3.      Top 10 Growth (US$) Countries

4.      Top 10 Growth (%) Countries

5.      Bottom 10 Growth (US$) Countries

6.      Bottom 10 Growth (%) Countries

7.      Top 10 Commodities (HS4) ($ Value)

8.      Top 10 Growth (US$) Commodities (HS4)

9.      Top 10 Growth (%) Commodities (HS4)

10.   Bottom 10 Growth (US$) Commodities (HS4)

11.   Bottom 10 Growth (%) Commodities (HS4)

        For Customs Districts - East Coast

        For Customs Districts - Nationwide


Price Stats for a selected HS code (10 digits):


One Country Report: Statistics on unit value for a select commodity traded (when units of quantity are reported). The report includes partner country, trade frequency, minimum price, lower quartile price, median price, upper quartile price, and maximum price based on the latest 12-moths period (e.g.: HS10: 8421394000 - catalytic converters)


ALL Country Report: All the statistics above for every partner country


Commodity Report for HS10:


Trade Statistics Report: Detailed export/import report on every item at HS10 digit level by country and by U.S. customs district including the U.S. as a whole (monthly, year-to-date, latest 12 months): Data items included are: trade frequency, quantity, value, average unit value, market shares ($ and quantity), and relative unit value (eg: HS10: 8421394000 - catalytic converters)


Year-over-Year Change Report: Detailed export/import report on every item at HS10 digit level by country and by U.S. customs district (monthly, year-to-date, latest 12 months): Data items included are: Quantity, value, average unit value, market shares ($ and quantity), and relative unit value during the current period AND year-over-year changes of all six variables


Commodity Report for HS2, 4, 6:


Trade Statistics Report: Detailed export/import report on every item at HS2,4,6 digit level by country and by U.S. customs district including the U.S. as a whole (monthly, year-to-date, latest 12 months). Data items included are: trade frequency, value, and market shares ($)


Year-over-Year Change Report: Detailed export/import report on every item at HS2,4,6 digit level by country and by U.S. customs district including the U.S. as a whole (monthly, year-to-date, latest 12 months). Data items included are: value and market shares ($) during the current period AND year-over-year changes of the two variables


Country - Customs District Reports (HS2) for a select country by customs district:


Trade Statistics Report: Export/import report on every item at HS2 digit level by a partner country and by every U.S. customs district (monthly, year-to-date, latest 12 months): Data items included are: Customs District, HS2 code, Item description, frequency, value (USD), and market share in value. (eg: Every Item between UK and every US Customs District)


Year-over-Year Change Report: Every HS Code (2digit) between a selected Country and every Customs District (eg: Every Item between UK and every US Customs District) Export/import report on every item at HS2 digit level by a partner country and by every U.S. customs district (monthly, year-to-date, latest 12 months): Data items included are: Customs District, HS2 code, Item description, value (USD), and market share in value during the current period AND year-over-year changes of all the variables


Country - Customs District Report (HS4, 6, 10) for a selected country and a select customs district including the U.S. as a whole:

Detailed U.S. export to / import from a select trading partner country through a select U.S. custom district listing all items at HS4, 6, or 10 digit level. (eg: Every Item between UK-Phildelphia)


Trade Statistics Report: Export/import report on every item at HS4,6,10 digit level for a select partner country and a select U.S. customs district (monthly, year-to-date, latest 12 months): Data items included are:


HS 10 Report: HS code, Description, unit, frequency, value (USD), quantity, market shares (USD and quantity), average unit value, relative unit value to median price


HS 4,6 Report: HS code, item description, frequency, value (USD), market shares (USD)


Year-over-Year Change Report: Export/import report on every item at HS4,6,10 digit level for a select partner country and a select U.S. customs district (monthly, year-to-date, latest 12 months): Data items included are:


HS10 Report: HS code, item description, unit, value(USD), quantity, market shares (USD and quantity), average unit value, relative unit value to median price AND year-over-year changes of all the variables


HS 4,6 Report: HS code, Description, frequency, value (USD), market shares (USD) AND year-over-year changes of all the variables


NOTICE from U.S. Census Bureau on Aircraft Industry Trade Data Changes: Go to HERE


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